Metaverse as a Service(MaaS) is a turn-key solution offered to coaches that want to access the digital space and diversify their revenue streams. We offer a solution specifically adapted to making your digital presence unique with access to a community of potential clients with high interest in fitness and health. Opt-in to become a Coach in the Metaverse assisting JustMOVE community enhancing its lifestyle.
MaaS is a turn-key solution and any qualified coach will get matched to a host, a dedicated space in a Health Center that fits their needs. Coaches can customize their space and adapt them to their coaching activities and desired ambiance. The more attractive your space and the more added-value services you can offer, the more potential clients would be attracted to your space and the more derived sales will occur.
The Metaverse Point System is a scoring system granting points to the dedicated coach spaces within the Metaverse and used when calculating each coach portion of the dedicated Metaverse Price Pool. Metaverse Points (MvP) are granted to coaches on a monthly basis and the scoring takes in consideration the following items:
Unique visitors to your hosted Space;
Repeat visitors;
Duration of visits.
Each month, you will earn a percentage of the Metaverse Price Pool that equals your MvP average of the last three months divided by the total MvPs average of the same period.